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Person-Centred Counselling in
East Sussex and Kent.



There can be many reasons to access counselling.

Maybe you feel in a rut, or perhaps you are troubled by unhelpful thoughts or flashbacks.

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and anxious. Sometimes we know why, and other times there is no obvious reason. Whatever is troubling you, I can help.

We will work together, in a way that suits you, building a relationship free of judgement, allowing you to truly explore what is troubling you.

I invite you to explore the site further and see how we might work together,  and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries or think you might like us to work together.

I offer sessions throughout East Sussex and in some of Kent as well as online so wherever you are please do get in touch. I aim to be as inclusive as possible.

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"Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light."
Brene Brown.


Since the begining of the pandemic, Online therapy has become increasingly popular as not only a safe way to meet, but also giving greater flexibility, cutting out the logistics of journeys and parking. Using Zoom or Skype we can arrange sessions at a mutually convenient time if you have a safe and confidential space to use.


Outdoor therapy is a fantastic way to combine mindfulness and counselling. I have safe, accessible outdoor venues where we can work together outside, weather permitting. We can walk or sit or a combination of both, whatever feels right.


Face to face therapy in a private confidential space.

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